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Report Functionality on the FinPro Dashboard


One of the key benefits of the FinPro dashboard is its ability to generate financial reports instantly for support and tax purposes. This ensures a streamlined process between you and your clients, allowing you to focus on delivering a seamless service experience.


Reports are generated in two scenarios:

  1. Client connection

    • When a FinPro connects to a client, quarterly reports are automatically generated for each fiscal quarter the client has been with Wealth99. Please note, these reports are generated in batches without specific notifications.

  2. End of fiscal quarter / year

    • Following the end of a fiscal quarter, you will receive a notification the next day that your report is available for download.

    • For annual reports, notifications are sent the day after the last day of the financial year.


Each report is made available in two different formats: PDF and Excel (XLSX).

  • The PDF version: The PDF version is recommended for record-keeping purposes, as its format is not conducive to making calculations. The header of the report contains basic information on the client’s account, including the report generation date, email address, and full name. The ‘report period’ references the time period the data is taken from. The footer on each page contains the required legal information on Wealth99.

    Please refer to the following article for detailed information presented in this format: Report: Detailed Overview of the PDF Version

  • The Excel (XLSX) Report: This format provides an easy way for FinPros to make any necessary calculations. The report is sectioned into three sheets:  

1. The information sheet

2. Balance summary sheet

3. Operations history sheet

Please refer to the following article for detailed information presented in this format: Report: Detailed Overview of the XLSX Version


How to download reports on the FinPro Dashboard

1. Log in to the FinPro Portal.

2. Navigate to the Dashboard tab and locate the client within your connected Clients list.

3. Click on the "Details" button located on the right-hand side.

2 - How-to-download-reports-on-the-FinPro-Dashboard---014. In the 'Reports' tab, choose the desired year. Once selected, locate the report you need and click to download it in your preferred file format.

2 -How-to-download-reports-on-the-FinPro-Dashboard---02

5. Save the file on your device.





  • Kindly note that the reports are designed to provide you with all the financial data required to provide a more effective service. Importantly, Wealth99 is not an authorised tax organisation and does not provide audit or accounting reports. 
  • Both you and your client will be notified once the report is ready. Additionally, the client will be notified if you (the FinPro) download a report.
  • The report function is only available if your client has completed the KYC or made a transaction.